报告题目:Measuring Deformations with Radar 报告人:OriolMonserrat Senior Researcher, Head of remote sensing department of the CTTC 报告时间:2015年9月21日(周一)下午02:00-03:30 报告地点:江宁校区会议中心二楼报告厅 报告人简介: OriolMonserra
报告题目:Next Generation of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technologies using Biofilm Processes 报告人:Ahmed Eldyasti博士(Department of Civil Engineering, York University, Canada) 时间:2015年9月
报告题目:Introduction to TELEMAC suite 报告人:Dr. Shunqi Pan Reader in Coastal Engineering Cardiff University, UK 报告时间:2015年9月9日 (星期三) 上午9:00-12:00 报告地点:严恺馆702会议室 报告内容: TELEMAC, initially developed b
报告题目:Investigations on unsteady, two-phase flows in closed conduits 报告人:Jose G. Vasconcelos(Associate Editor of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, Professor of Civil Engineering at Auburn Univers
报告题目:Publishing in the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, and How to prepare a strong manuscript 报告人:Jose G. Vasconcelos(Associate Editor of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, Professor of Ci
题目: What Environmental Isotopes can tell us about the Hydrological Cycle – Examples from its Terrestrial Part 报告人: Prof. Dr. Stephan M. Weise Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research &nda
报告地点:江宁校区力材楼1116会议室 报告时间:8月13日(周四)下午2:00-5:00 报告题目一:Special Properties and Applications of Multifunctional Materials and Structures 报 告 人:Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
学术报告(一)Posted Pricing versus Bargaining in Sequential Selling Process 报告时间:2015年7月3日下午14:00-15:30 报告地点:商学院辅楼A100 报告人简介: Qi Annabelle Feng教授,为美国普渡大学Krannert管理学院运营管理方向的John and Donna Krenicki讲
学术报告 Arsenic in Private Well Water of Bangladesh, China and United States of America 报告人:北京大学 纽约大学 哥伦比亚大学 郑焰教授 时间:6月29日 上午10:00 -11:30 地点;国重301 欢迎老师和研究生参加
报告题目: On the Transmission Eigenvalue Problems Arising in Inverse Scattering 报告人: 东南大学数学系刘继军教授,博士生导师 报告时间: 6月23日 下午3:00-4:00 报告地点:励学楼A206 报告摘要: The transmission eigenvalue problem (TEP),